RENAISSANCE ARTS ACADEMY is a TK-12 charter public school focused on educational equity and success for all students with a priority on traditionally underserved populations. Since 2003 RenArts has cultivated autonomous scholarship in an ensemble setting, creating an award-winning program that combines an integrated curriculum with a schoolwide emphasis on collaborative music, dance and design disciplines. RenArts welcomes students from diverse backgrounds, developing 21st Century Renaissance citizens through deep academic inquiry, flexible multi-age groups, and professionally-guided arts training. All programs are tuition-free. Admission is by lottery.
All RenArts students will graduate from high school with viable post-secondary opportunities to succeed in college, career and community. Graduates will synthesize intellectual curiosity, academic discernment, and artistic discipline as they engage with the world, contributing both individually and collaboratively to an inclusive and hopeful future for all.
To build a successful and sustainable public school program that activates artistic discipline as an alternative gateway to powerful literacy and academic excellence by:
Integrating arts, sciences, mathematics and humanities in a diversely-accessible curriculum that engages both students and faculty in a process of ongoing intellectual inquiry.
Implementing a school-wide instructional approach with highly-effective faculty teams leading flexible, multi-age groups through in-depth study of texts and challenging independent analysis.
Establishing a cohesive TK-12 course of study that supports small-group pacing and long-term student success measured across a multi-year trajectory.
Bringing together a cross-section of L.A.’s diverse ethnic, economic and cultural populations in an ensemble-based environment that cultivates mutual respect, collaboration, personal commitment, and accountability.
Helping students develop the individual and ensemble performance skills that build self-discipline, motivation and personal responsibility in all areas of their lives.
Allowing students to discover through service that art is more than a means of individual expression – it is a call to generosity of spirit, a powerful means of communication, and a commitment to community involvement.
Nurturing whole-family participation in the learning/teaching continuum by inviting parents into the schoolwide community of arts and inquiry to grow as effective mentors and coaches to their children.
Celebrating Southern California’s rich culture by promoting mutually beneficial relationships with schools, neighborhood associations, arts organizations, business coalitions, foundations, and institutions of higher education.
Developing a vital community of professional artists and intellectuals who collaborate with traditionally credentialed teachers in a partnership dedicated to mentoring the next generation of intellectual and creative leaders.
RENAISSANCE ARTS ACADEMY does not charge tuition, is nonsectarian in admission policies, programs, employment practices, and all operations, and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other basis.